1400 Bolt Lock System

Cable Lock Padlock
Receiver Pin Lock Trailer Off Vehicle Coupler Lock
Coupler Pin Lock
“An Automotive Love Affair”
By Joseph Mavilia
Product Review
Bolt Lock


We were contacted by McCullough Public Relations, Inc. to perform our independent review of some Bolt Lock products.

We were asked for our opinion of five items Pictured above and listed here.

  • Receiver pin
  • Cable lock
  • Padlock
  • Trailer security pin
  • Trailer off vehicle coupler lock

These items were tested based on a 2011 Ford F-350 truck.

Our product reviewer, Glenn, found that coding the locks to the original Ford truck key was extremely easy to perform.

All that is needed is insert the key, turn approximately 270 degrees clockwise then return the key to the original 12 o’clock position. Then turn the key a couple more times clockwise (which then would only turn 90 degrees) and the key is coded! Sound too simple? Well, if Glenn can do it, I’m confident I could do it as well.

Glenn says the products are heavy duty and well made. They are advertised as being weatherproof with a high corrosion resistance which upon initial inspection looks to be true. I have not had them out in the weather long enough to give my opinion on that yet. We will do a follow up to this review to verify the companies claim.

The advantage to have one key for all the locks is obvious and if you are interested in other applications you can go to this link for more information, https://www.boltlock.com/locks.

The product is impressive and well thought out, but you will need to be the judge of whether the cost justifies the convenience. Bolt lock products will cost from $30 for a hitch pin for example to about $75 for the five items we reviewed and tested. But as the saying goes, you get what you pay for!

For me it is a no brainer. I’m a man and we generally carry our keys in our pockets. The convenience is all the difference to me. I hate having so many keys where I find myself fumbling through all to find the right one and that is frustrating. Until now with this kind of product we just accepted the inconvenience of so many keys.

We would recommend this system even to the casual user who may only need a Locking receiver hitch or a padlock for a gate.

We conclude: a big thumbs up and a definite yes to purchase this product because we would, andwe feel comfortable recommending it to you.

Your comments or questions are welcomed. e-mail joe@autolove.com

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